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Câinele mamei mele
Apollo 111 Teatrul, 2023

Author: Alex Gorghe

Director: Luiza Mihăilescu

Scenography: Cosmin Stancu

Lighting design: Marius Nițu, Luiza Mihăilescu

Sound design: Alex Bălă

Video design: Andreea Lăcătuș

Cast: Katia Pascariu, Ana Dumitrașcu, Vlad Ionuț Popescu, Rolando Matsangos

Photo credits: Andreea Lăcătuș

A couple tries to get married, get a dog together, have a baby, but nothing succeeds in welding their relationship. The father leaves, and the mother, child and dog are left in a depressing house. They decide to make a pact: the mother will give him all the love and care in the world, but the child will never be allowed to leave her side.
The show follows the toxic contract between mother and son. It is a love letter to narcissistic mothers.

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